Saturday, September 08, 2012

Play Me!

Play Me!
Originally uploaded by ~db~

From SymbiosisO, Play Me! is a pillow with an embedded music player.

SymbiosisS is part of a collection of textile interfaces, SymbiosisO (“O” for objects), which behave as organic displays and react to definable impulses by showing pre-defined patterns that animate slowly over the surface. It welcomes viewers to sit and rest on soft-folded material that displays an active, slowly shifting pattern. When excited, the pattern starts forming, in a playful, curious way, around the place where the textile was touched. Once the disturbance is abated, the pattern continues its peaceful expansion. This vivacious interaction of a vibrant pattern is a demonstration of the potential for tangible textile interfaces. Ubiquitous computation – an active, programmable secondary skin to surround everyday objects – is an ambient, “noiseless,” and thus vigorous way to visualize information and form space.

Kärt Ojavee
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

Eszter Ozsvald
New York University


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