KPFK Fund Drive
That said, there are a number of ways you can support the station, while indicating that Digital Village is l'objet de votre affection.
1) Write a check. Mailing a check to the station allows you to include a note as to why you are pledging. Mention Digital Village and any other reasons why you think the station is worthwhile.
2) Use the web form. In the comment section you can mention Digital Village as the reason for your pledge.
3) Tell them when you call. Just call the pledge line (818.985.5735) and tell them that you are pledging on behalf of Digital Village. Make sure the person who takes your pledge acknowledges this request.
4) Come on down and talk to someone. That's right, you can visit the station and give money to a real live human! That's the way I first donated to the station in the late 1970's. It turned out to be a transformative experience. I invite you to do the same.
3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West
North Hollywood, CA 91604
Whatever you do, and however you do it. Support the station!